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Legal and Regulatory Framework of Small Satellites in Latin America:
Current State and Perspectives

Juan Cruz Gonzáles Allonca (1) Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM)


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the legal and regulatory framework that must be applied for small satellites in Latin American countries. It is expected that the number of small satellites will significantly increase in the next years. They will possibly be endangering the safety of other space missions and sustainability of space activities in general. And it is possible that they may be launched without following proper legal and regulatory procedures, especially in countries that do not have appropriate regulatory systems. The study aims to show that to the international law, small satellites are space objects that are subject to the general regulatory framework that governs outer space activities. It is for that reason important to assess the effectiveness of current regulatory regime governing satellites.

Full Article here

Cosmic Interview with Simonetta Di Pippo: “Space is both a frontier and an endless opportunity”
Part 1
Part 2